It had to be Wings!


I am Ira from India. I love writing, though this is my first attempt at a blog. It has an interesting no-limits feel to it. Please feel free to like, comment, follow, hate or critique the blog…and help me learn! 

It's called WINGS because wings prompt the image of freedom in my mind and that is the theme of the blog.

Freedom is more of an illusion than a reality. We are not as free as we believe ourselves to be. And then we forget those who aren't as free as we.   

The posts are focussed on news stories and current events (with occasional digressions) around the world that highlight our state of freedom...freedom from bias, freedom of speech, freedom from oppression, freedom of women, freedom from dogma or simply, the freedom to be!

So hop on and let your mind take flight!

As for me, I am a confused soul who apart from writing, likes conversations, reading, movies, photography, travelling, adventures, dancing and sleeping ;)